19 research outputs found

    Indisciplinando a música: pesquisa artística e ativismo historiográfico

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    Disciplining Music, de Katherine Bergeron e Philip Bohlman, foi um livro icônico em repensar as relações entre o que eram então três campos aparentemente separados: musicologia histórica, etnomusicologia e a própria prática musical. Desde aquele longínquo ano de 1992, o recrudescimento das perspectivas teóricas e experiências de pesquisa nesses e em outros campos se intensificou tanto que essa mesma interação gerou novas oportunidades de reflexão e ação. Este artigo enfoca o potencial da interação entre reflexão e perspectivas historiográficas alternativas, que serão aplicadas ao repertório canônico da música clássica ocidental para mostrar como a existência de uma tradição precisa pode transformar a performance em um laboratório para experimentação de músicos e estudiosos. Tomando como ponto de referência a relação entre o ativismo e performance nos escritos de Richard Schechner e Dwight Conquergood, e a ideia de "desclassificação" moldada por Antonio García Gutiérrez, proponho o conceito de ativismo historiográfico como estrutura específica para possíveis aplicações em Pesquisa Artística para explorar o potencial da música para trazer individual e mudanças coletivas.publishe

    Big Data Analytics for Smart Cities: The H2020 CLASS Project

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    Applying big-data technologies to field applications has resulted in several new needs. First, processing data across a compute continuum spanning from cloud to edge to devices, with varying capacity, architecture etc. Second, some computations need to be made predictable (real-time response), thus supporting both data-in-motion processing and larger-scale data-at-rest processing. Last, employing an event-driven programming model that supports mixing different APIs and models, such as Map/Reduce, CEP, sequential code, etc.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under the CLASS Project (www.class-project.eu), grant agreement No. 780622.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accounting for inventory data and methodological choice uncertainty in a comparative life cycle assessment: the case of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in an offshore Mediterranean enterprise

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    Purpose: Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), growing different species in the same space, is a technology that may help manage the environmental impacts of coastal aquaculture. Nutrient discharges to seawater from monoculture aquaculture are conceptually minimized in IMTA, while expanding the farm economic base. In this study, we investigate the environmental trade-offs for a small-to-medium enterprise (SME) considering a shift from monoculture towards IMTA production of marine fish. Methods: A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA), including uncertainty analysis, was implemented for an aquaculture SME in Italy. Quantification and simultaneous propagation of uncertainty of inventory data and uncertainty due to the choice of allocation method were combined with dependent sampling to account for relative uncertainties and statistical testing and interpretation to understand the uncertainty analysis results. Monte Carlo simulations were used as a propagation method. The environmental impacts per kilo of fish produced in monoculture and in IMTA were compared. Twelve impact categories were considered. The comparison is first made excluding uncertainty (deterministic LCA) and then accounting for uncertainties. Results and discussion: Deterministic LCA results evidence marginal differences between the impacts of IMTA and monoculture fish production. IMTA performs better on all impacts studied. However, statistical testing and interpretation of the uncertainty analysis results showed that only mean impacts for climate change are significantly different for both productive systems, favoring IMTA. For the case study, technical variables such as scales of production of the species from different trophic levels, their integration (space and time), and the choice of species determine the trade-offs. Also, LCA methodological choices such as that for an allocation method and the treatment of relative uncertainties were determinant in the comparison of environmental trade-offs. Conclusions: The case study showed that environmental trade-offs between monoculture and IMTA fish production depend on technical variables and methodological choices. The combination of statistical methods to quantify, propagate, and interpret uncertainty was successfully tested. This approach supports more robust environmental trade-off assessments between alternatives in LCAs with uncertainty analysis by adding information on the significance of results. It was difficult to establish whether IMTA does bring benefits given the scales of production in the case study. We recommend that the methodology defined here is applied to fully industrialized IMTA systems or bay-scale environments, to provide more robust conclusions about the environmental benefits of this aquaculture type in Europe

    Distribution of the Mediterranean ribbed limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 along the Ligurian coast and implications for conservation actions

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    Patella ferruginea is a limpet endemic to the Western Mediterranean Sea. It is presently considered the most threatened marine macroinvertebrate in the region and has been included in several international conservation directives. Its populations were widespread throughout the Western Mediterranean in the late Pleistocene period, and remained broadly distributed until the 19th century. Presently this species is confined into small populations in a few restricted areas due to human harvesting for food and baits, construction of coastal infrastructures and the effects of seawater pollution. In particular, the species is reported as presently disappeared from the whole of the Italian continental coast and measures are in progress to reintroduce the species through translocation and reproduction in controlled conditions along the Ligurian coasts of the Northwestern Mediterranean.Recent surveys implemented in the framework of the present work along the Ligurian coasts, to assess the most suitable sites for reintroduction, resulted in the discovery of 32 specimens of this endemic limpet, which previously was thought to have vanished from the area. These findings shed new light on the ability of species to naturally disperse, the relevance of the measures set in place to restore presently rarefied populations and may provide information to aid in the selection and management of sites within the Natura 2000 Ecological network

    Singing Desire : erotismo y deseo en las canciones para laúd en Inglaterra, 1597-1615

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    Las canciones para laúd o ayres en la Inglaterra de finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII además de ser un género muy importante dentro de la música inglesa, son una manifestación cultural de varios ámbitos, tales como patronaje, comercio, género, clase social, filosofía y religión. Con sus letras eróticas en combinación con la voz solista, la música del laúd y la viola da gamba, fueron un medio de expresión muy intenso que permitía la entrada a un universo de sentimiento, pero que también representaba un pensamiento filosófico y una conciencia retórica. Basado en estudios previos, este ensayo explora las ayres desde diferentes ámbitos: el social, el de género, el humanista y el literario para entender el género de las ayres a fondo de manera que le sea útil al intérprete al momento de abordar este repertorio.The lute songs or ayres in the turn of the 17th century in England, as well as being an important genre in English music, are evidence of patronage, gender, social class, philosophy and religion. The ayres, with their erotic lyrics in combination with the voice and the sensuous music of the lute or violl, allowed entrance into a world of sentiment, but they also represented a way of thinking and a rhetorical awareness. Based in previous studies, this paper explores the ayres from different perspectives: sociology, gender, humanism and literarure in order to provide useful information to the performer who wishes to approach this repertoire.Les cançons per a llaüt o les ayres a l'Anglaterra de finals del segle XVI i principis del XVII, a més de seu un gènere molt important dintre de la música anglesa, són una manifestació cultural de varis àmbits, com ara el patronatje, comerç, gènere, classe social, filosofia i religió. Amb unes lletres eròtiques en combinació de la veu solista, la música de llaüt i la viola de gamba, foren un mitjà d'expressió molt intens que permetia l'entrada a un univers de sentiment, però que també representava un pensament filosòfic i una conciència retòrica. Basat en estudis prèvis, aquest assaig (o treball) explora les ayres desde diferents àmbits: el social, el de gènere, l'humanista i el literari, per a entendre el gènere de les ayres a fons de manera que li sigui útil a l'intèrpret al moment d'abordar aquest repertori

    Challenges and opportunities in the artistic research in Western art music

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    A lo largo de las últimas dos décadas la investigación artística ha tenido una presencia ineludible en el debate académico en torno a las artes y se ha convertido en un eje de la busqueda de nuevas perspectivas para las enseñanzas artísticas. En el caso de la música, y de la música clásica en particular, los esfuerzos por consolidar un espacio propio para la investigación artística han chocado con el peso de la tradición musicológica y con una educación musical que seguía identificándose con el pensamiento gremial propio de los conservatorios. No es casual, de hecho, que la ventana de oportunidades representada por la investigación artística haya mostrado todo su potencial precisamente en Europa, donde su aparición ha coincidido con la obligada inserción de los estudios musicales en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. En este artículo se aborda críticamente esta situación, observando, en particular, los vínculos entre la investigación artística y la realidad actual de la música clásica. Se requiere con ello evidenciar cómo el afán de novedad tan propio de la investigación artísitca, unida a su estrecha articulación de teoría y práctica, producción artística y verbalización, puede convertirse en un revulsiva extraordinario para revitalizar el conjunto de la vida musical, proporcionando nuevas perspectivas de futuro a las próximas generaciones.Over the past two decades, Artistic Research has been an inescapable presence in the academic debate on the arts and has become an axis of the search for new perspective for artistic teaching. With regard to music, and classical music in particular, efforts to consolidate a specific space for artistic research have clashed, on the one hand, with the resistance of the musicological tradition and, on the other, with processes of teaching still inspired by the artisanal model of conservation. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the window of opportunity represented by artistic research has shown its full potential precisely in Europe, where its appearance has coincided with the forced inserction of music studies within the European Higher Education Area. This article critically addresses this reality, highlighting the links between artistic research and the current scenario of classical-music. The aim is to show how the desire for novelty so charasteristic of artistic research, combined with its close articulation of theory and practice, artistic output and verbalization, can become an extraordinary stimulus to revitalize musical life as whole, offering new opportunities to future generation


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